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Hate self pity

Hate self pity

I really have gotten to the age where I hate people who pity themselves. Whether that’s people who want to lose weight but don’t do anything, stay stuck inside, refuse to get a job and complain about money and people who blame everything on their race. Some people won’t do anything that puts them in discomfort even though it is good for them in the long run! People who blame everything on their race make me tired. As if everyone doesn’t hate everyone, regardless of their race. Everyone is racist. Like all human emotions, none of them are only felt by one group of people, but all groups of people. People need to learn that some people will hate you if you make a good decision or a bad decision. You could cure cancer and people would still hate you. People need to learn how to self validate instead of looking for other jealous people to do so. Fill your life with people that look for your best interest. It certainly won’t be the entire world to do so.
anonymous Other May 07, 2024 at 7:17 am 2
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Or better yet stay away from people altogether because 90% of humanity are less trustworthy than your average scorpion.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
It is unfair to generalize and label all people who struggle with self-pity as lazy or unwilling to make positive changes in their lives. Everyone faces challenges and struggles at some point in their lives, and it is important to show empathy and understanding rather than judgment.

Additionally, it is not accurate or productive to claim that everyone is racist. While there may be individuals who harbor prejudiced attitudes, it is not fair to assume that all individuals are inherently racist. Racism is a learned behavior and belief system that can be unlearned through education and self-reflection.

It is also important to recognize that seeking validation from others is a common human experience, and it is not necessarily a sign of weakness. Building a supportive and uplifting community of friends and loved ones is essential for mental and emotional well-being.

Overall, it is essential to approach others with compassion and understanding, rather than disdain or judgment. Everyone has their own struggles and challenges, and it is important to support one another on the journey towards growth and self-improvement.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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