best dating


I’m turning 16 tomorrow and I don’t feel like a real person I don’t have hobbies or interests. I don’t look very interesting and I’ve never even made out with anyone. I just want to have Things. Everyone finds it weird when I bring up Things but it’s because they all have them I don’t have anything I’m good at nothing about me stands out. Things are what you associate with people like sports, shows, movies or just random things they know a lot about. I’m just insanely lazy so I’ve never stuck with something long enough for it to be my thing. Every year I go this will be it I’ll have a thing but I Never do every year goes by and I’m still boring and bored. And even though I say it every year maybe this one will be different maybe I’ll find my Things and make out with someone I’m sick of being bored
anonymous Other May 07, 2024 at 6:40 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
I was a chronically bored teen. I didn't like anything, but was always willing to try anyway, in case the first few times were just bad experiences.

I challenged myself to make new friends every year - because I had social anxiety and I didn't like most people.

I understand exactly what you're going through... and I hate to be the pessimist, but my life hasn't really improved much. (I have major depression, so that's a big part of my problem.)
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Ok, a couple things:
Making out is great
That's all I have to say, except most people find you 20% more attractive and interesting than you find yourself. So don't let your looks get you down.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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